Medical HouseCalls

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Telehealth/Telepsych | Supportive Healthcare | Medical House Calls


Telehealth supports a variety of clinical uses in the home setting, including Supportive HealthCare Medical House Calls transitional care program, palliative care, chronic care management, and Psychiatric Services. Telehealth offers peace of mind and safety for our patients' loved ones by allowing them to retain their independence and flexibility in scheduling. It helps save time on visits, reaches patients in rural areas, and keeps high-risk patients safe.

The use of Telehealth can optimize the delivery of healthcare, including:

  • Conducting frequent check-ins to support care continuity
  • Providing continuing education, reminders, and coaching on remote patient monitoring
  • Enhancing family and caregiver involvement and education through family care conferences
  • Bizarre behavior or acute agitation (change in mental status)
  • Anxiety/panic disorders/ PTSD
  • Bipolar disorder/depression
  • Mood disorders/schizophrenia/ delirium
  • Psychiatric medical management/optimization

Supportive HealthCare Behavioral and Mental Telepsychiatry psychiatric behavioral and mental health nurse practitioners provide telepsychiatry to patients in need. Our experienced Behavioral and Mental Health providers provide telepsychiatry for all psychiatric diagnoses. These services are provided in the comfort of your own home.


  • Assisting with an assessment of the capacity of a patient to consent to treatment
  • Initial psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
  • Monthly follow-up appointment
  • Management and monitoring of medication
  •  Patient-specific evidence practice-based treatment plan to optimize care for behavioral health patients
  • Case Management
  • Reduced stress and worry by having confidence that a reliable service covers behavioral health needs
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